downtown toronto, halloween eve
last minute costume, thanks @racketcity!
cutes couple everrrrr
lovee you girls
it's been ridiculously long since i've updated this thing,
and im awfully embarassed at my lack of commitment
i'll promise to try harder, at least for this week =)
truth be told not much has been going on with me
its pretty much been a whirlwind of school,
and sneaking in some needed hours of sleep when i can
i havent gone properly shopping in crazy long (although i did get some super cute panties this weekend!)
and my ability to dress myself has steadily deteriorated
in summary, im kinda a mess
good thing im' going an an image consulting clinic tomorrow =)
promise to come back with professional outfits soon
sidenote: i really need a pair of close toed, not too high pumps. hmms
spent a lovely weekend in Toronto, seeing & catching up with some of my favourite girls
more pictures to come soon on the rest of the weekend
ps: seeing people do the dreaded walk of shame = 1000x better when theyre in last night's costume
i'll try to get my act together for a few more posts this week
and i'll def try to do better for the rest of this month
anyone else starting to get REALLY excited for christmas?
western is currently under threat of a faculty strike
cuba for a week anyone?