[tank - f21; shirt - club monaco; flower shorts - fcuk, necklace - aldo]
sunflower from farmer's market at nathan phillips square
beef sliders from oliver & bonacinni
set & program for sexual perversity in chicago
i've been filling my days with a whole lot of chilling and nothing lately, and i've been loving it
i've never had so much fun
some pictures from last week
i have a HUGE thing for oysters
but the boy has always been very skeptical about it
nevertheless, i pressured him to trying some during our visit to the o&b on king street
and obviously he loveeed it (well, so he says. he lies sometimes)
then i found out about the $1 oysters at biffs, and seriously, i'm so so there
went to a very low key play last week
i'm pretty sure it was put on in the back part of a convenience store
and the street listed was actually more of an alley
but it was absolutely amazing
although it didnt have the fancy frills of big productions
i loved the intimacy of the small set
the play was titled sexual perversity in Chincago and was written by david mamet
it was pretty much about relationships and the different ways guys and girls view sex
definitely hilarious, although i dont think i was anywhere near deep enough to understand the undertones and such
summer's coming to a closer right before my eyes
and after spending two days finding nothing to do with the boy
now my head's filled with things i want to do (rock climbing, picnic on the island)
and places i want to visit (v&s, sugar beach, guu again, oysters @ biffs or rodneys, etc)
before im back to western next weekend
summer has been absolutely wonderful, but has definitely passed way too fast
my plans for the coming days include finally seeing eat pray love with my mom
hopefully crossing some of those things off my list
getting some dessert
and the long awaited for garden party with the girls
1 comment:
can't wait for this garden party!
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